Wealthy Affiliate Review: Discover the Truths You Need To Know!




A Detailed Wealthy Affiliate Review.

As much as the internet is becoming the best place to create viable and less expensive business; there are lots of risk and unplanned cost involve. But still – there are genuine and helpful products or programs out there on the internet, that can point you in the right direction.

One thing you should always bear in mind is; success is a progressive realization of a well-define goal; and for that to happen, – you need to put-in the time and efforts required.

I believe you’re reading this post basically because you want to discover more facts or read honest Wealthy Affiliate Review, or possibly just to learn more about the program!

Well; the truth is; there is no shortcut to success, but there are helpful and sincere paths!

One thing I can tell you at this point is; keep reading! – You’ll soon discover the truth that can change your life for good!

Wealthy Affiliate Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Wealthy Affiliate is a training program (with fully dedicated community) that teaches you how to build your own online Business and make money from the Business. Read Wealthy Affiliate here.
Wealthy Affiliate is 100% LEGIT! It’s not a “get rich quick” program; it’s a training program where you’ll learn how to build your own online business without any prior knowledge.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate does work! There are thousands of individual Success Stories daily on their website. Due to privacy reasons we'll not be posting people’s personal profile here. You can create a FREE Starter Account Here to read the Success Stories on their website, and then make up your mind to either choose to upgrade to the Premium or keep the FREE account. To get started; it's completely - No Risk! No Obligation!
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is newbie friendly. It’s probably the most helpful community for any newbie to learn how to build online business.

A quick overview about Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over 11-years now; they initially started their journey back in 2005 by two entrepreneurs (internet marketers) who co-founded the company (names – Kyle and Carson).

For many years now; Wealthy Affiliate has been more of a learning community – or a community of growth driven internet entrepreneurs with lots of success stories. They actually teach you from basic to advance on how you can create a profitable online business.


What is Wealthy Affiliate all about?

Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick or some quick money making scheme; they don’t sell any false promises or hyped products that tend to promise you some unrealistic path to success!

It’s a training community with established programs that can teach you (starting from newbie to any level) how to start your own online business with proven step-by-step courses.

What you learn with their programs rages from how to start, run and make money from content based websites, or how you can create online presences for your existing business, also how you can take advantage of strategic marketing.

Note: no business is perfect! keep reading.

They are more of a training community that teaches you how to create and market in any niche – it’s actually an entrepreneur social business community for anyone aspiring to learn how to make money on the internet.

They actually have good percentage of success stories and this is really what makes the difference between Wealthy Affiliate in comparison to other online programs.


Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

If you are looking to create successful online business or earn money online with fellow business owners (entrepreneurs), then Wealthy Affiliate is the best place for you! A community with members that are so committed in helping each other!

One interesting thing that you will find unique about WA is the fact that their two co-founders are quite very active (on daily basis) within the community; they both have passion for helping people, and that is why the business is only growing stronger.

Who can Benefit with Wealthy Affiliate?

  • Anyone that wants to create a better life for themselves by owning their own online business
  • Anyone that wants to make money on the internet, or make extra income
  • Business owners who want to take their business to whole new level by creating a better presence for their business online
  • Any Stay at home moms that is willing to learn and take action to get good rewards
  • Students or anyone who want to learn the legit way on how to make money on the internet
  • Any Retired persons who want to own their own online business and generate passive income

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of using Wealthy Affiliate? – The Pros vs. the Cons!

Wealthy Affiliate Advantages – Pros

  • It’s Free to get started – meaning $0 Membership plan is available.
  • They have Clear Plan of Action.
  • Lots of Video training Courses and Tutorials.
  • They have all levels of training; from Newbie’s (Beginner) to Advanced.
  • The community have thousands of active members – which means more helps.
  • They provide interactive Classrooms and with tasks to complete.
  • They provide 24-hours Live and interactive Help system – which involve getting help from expert members and the founders.
  • Easy-to-use website builder – SiteRubix, and a advance Hosting.
  • Wealthy Affiliate is very strict to spam activities – meaning it’s a spam free community.
  • They have a well-advanced affiliate program that can actually create a passive income for you.
  • You have access to more than enough tools you need to get started as a blog owner.
  • Completely ads FREE.

Wealthy Affiliate Disadvantages – Cons

  • Although, the Starter membership is great but you will have to upgrade to the premium membership ($49) before you can access the advanced training programs.
  • The required task can or maybe overwhelming sometimes.
  • The platform can be quite very addictive; you might find yourself spending more time on the website – although it can be fun.
  • They need to give newbie’s a little more understanding about the fact that they can actually use a third-party website builder or hosting company.
  • The premium membership of $49 may not be cheap for those seeking free information.


A quick question; is Wealthy Affiliate really for Everyone?

In my opinion; if you are not willing to learn or take action then Wealthy Affiliate is not for you.

The only reason you would not succeed with Wealthy Affiliate training program is if you’re not willing to learn or take action! In such case; there is really no point for you looking for opportunities on making money on the internet!

“There is no shortcut to success! But there are always rewards for your hard work!”

Having said all these; you can be rest assured that Wealthy Affiliate will work for you or anyone who is seeking to earn money working from home; but the only fact you must always keep in mind is that; you must be ready to put-in the time and efforts required in order to make money on the internet. In fact, it’s a general principle of life!


What Tools and Training does Wealthy Affiliate provide?


With Wealthy Affiliate; you really don’t need to worry about required tools – be rest assured that you will always have access to all tools and services you need to run your online business.

Here are some of the tools included in the member’s area:

  • Websites builder and Hosting
  • Keyword and Competition Research Tool
  • Rapid Writer – for your contents
  • Keyword Lists tool
  • Link Tracking tool



There are thousands of powerful training programs within Wealthy Affiliate that can actually be used to start generate full time income on the internet, and basically for anyone from newbie’s to advanced level! There is absolutely training programs available for all levels.

Here are some of the training programs offered to members:

  • Video Training and Tutorial Training (with a smart button that allows you to continue where you left)
  • Well-Organized Classrooms
  • Live Weekly Training Classes
  • Question and Answer Periods
  • Interactive Discussions
  • Comprehensive task based Courses


They actually have many more interesting things to offer you, the opportunities on their platform is endless!

Have I mentioned that they offer Affiliate training program’s, which includes Affiliate classes and Affiliate Bootcamp?……… – “seeing is believing”!


What Support do Wealthy Affiliate provide?

Wealthy Affiliate actually have a live-support system and a 24-hours active support system rendered by their community members; interestingly, it involves the two co-founders been actively replying to questions and other help related questions!

If there is one thing you can hardly beat them on; yes it’s their support system, it’s amazingly good! They truly have a support system that is sincerely extra helpful and – thanks to the community members!

List of Wealthy Affiliate Support system:

  • A 24-hours Live Chat by active well-experienced community members
  • A Live Question and Answer
  • You get a private access to their community experts
  • A Private 1-on-1 support with the co-founders (anytime)
  • Also, you have access to their interactive discussions.

In my opinion and experience with other platform (including social media’s), Wealthy Affiliate is the only website I have actually seen where members are genuinely willing to help each other without any personal intent or hidden benefit or interest; they actually do render helps to you just to see you succeed! It’s quite an unbelievable experience in this day and age.


What are Wealthy Affiliate Prices?

They have a transparent pricing system; basically two membership pricing:

  1. Starter Membership account – $0 (you can Join Here)
  2. Premium Membership – $49 per month (you can Join Here)

The good thing is; when you join Wealthy Affiliate’s Starter membership, you instantly gain access to their friendly community platform.

In all fairness, the tools and training that comes with your free account package is enough for you to decide if the program is good for you or not! You absolutely have nothing to lose!

What exactly do you get with a Starter Membership?

  • You get access to live chat,
  • Instant access to “Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started (Level 1)” training videos
  • You get access to 3 classrooms,
  • Access to commenting and networking with other members (including the co-founders)
  • Access to the website builder (SiteRubix) and more!


In my opinion; what makes Wealthy Affiliate a Newbie’s Friendly is the fact that you don’t need to pay anything to get started on their platform (the Starter membership – no payment details is required)!

Basically; upgrading to the premium membership is a matter of choice when you seen for yourself the extra opportunities you’re missing.

One truth about life is; the news about genuine and legit opportunities doesn’t spread easily! We often get caught in the phrase of “too good to be true” and fall easily for the over hyped (false promised) products! I can assure you one thing; you will never know what you’re missing unless you try.

There are quite lots of risk and cost involve in making money on the internet, but if you need a risk-free trial program; I can assure you – Wealthy Affiliate is your best choice to start your journey in the make money online world.

Not only that Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to make money on the internet, but they will also teach you how to build a sustainable online business.

My final Conclusion: Wealthy Affiliate is truly LEGIT

I can happily proof the above mentioned to you without any doubt! – Contact Us

If you’re interested; you can join the one big friendly community with the link below.

I’m a proud member of Wealthy Affiliate community (my Profile-Page at WA); and I’ll hopefully see you there soon!

Join Now and Start your Wealthy Affiliate FREE Starter Membership Instantly!



Before you Leave!

I hope you found this post useful? If Yes – Please kindly share your thoughts in a comment below, or Share the Post with your Friends!

Many Thanks for Reading.

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Editorial Staff
The Editorial Team at InternetWD is a Team of Passionate Bloggers with vast knowledge in the Make Money Online Niche; the Team is led by John Abiola. Page maintained by InternetWD Team.

7 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review: Discover the Truths You Need To Know!”

  1. Well-detailed and informative!

    I have read one or two other Wealthy Affiliate review today, but i found this more helpful to me!
    Although, i actually came to your website to read your salehoo review, but saw the wealthy affiliate review in the related article section.

    Anyway, I might be back for one or more questions about wealthy affiliate but for now, thanks.

  2. Hi there!

    Your Wealthy Affiliate review is quite informative! But do you have any wealthy affiliate success stories that i can read? A sincere one please!

    I also started Blogging lately, and i’m currently reading every available resource i can lay my hands on.
    I quite enjoy your post though; it’s detailed, and i’m happy with the information i got from it.

    Also, i’ve just subscribed for your newsletter.

    Thanks for now.

    1. Hi Mark,

      Thanks for the feedback!

      Regarding your question about Wealthy Affiliate success stories; YES! I do have a comprehensive write-up regarding their success stories and testimonials!

      I’ll be updating the post with the success stories soon.




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