Take Surveys For Cash Review: Is it a Legit Survey website or a Scam?

Take Surveys For Cash Review

Taking surveys online has always been one of the starting points for those finding ways to make money online working from home. But truth be told; the majority (not all) of the websites offering surveys are either scams or time wasters. Only a few of them are actually legit. And that brings us to the main purpose of this article – Take Surveys for Cash Review.
In this Take Surveys for Cash review, I’ll be sharing with you all I know about the website “Take Surveys for Cash”, and why I believe it’s more of a scam and a waste of time.


Take Surveys for Cash Review – the website overview

“Take Surveys for Cash” was founded in 2015 by Jason White who claims to be the king of paid survey. And one of the first error I picked from the website is the fact that the website is quite misleading in many ways. Take Surveys for Cash claim to be a survey website, but that is not true. All they do is to take your money with the promises of offering surveys with big pay cheques. The reality is this; Take Surveys for Cash is not a survey website.

All they do is to sign you up on their mailing list at a price tag, and then start sending you survey offers from third-party companies. In my own opinion, I’ll rather classify “Take Surveys for Cash” as a scam and time wasters. Because all they need is just your money and also upsell you with some other offers. But before you take my words, let me give you few more insights about “Take Surveys for Cash” and my experience when I signed up with them.

What is Take Surveys for Cash?

“Take Surveys for Cash” is a website that claims to offer users the opportunity to take surveys and make money online while you work from home. In fact; they claim you can earn up to $500 taking some surveys. Scam Alert!!!Their requirements involve you to first sign-up with your email, and you will be redirected to a page where you’re required to pay $39 before you can start using their platform.
Personally, I have tested lots of survey websites, both the legit and scam ones, so I can easily identify a scam when I see one.
The very first time I came across “Take Surveys for Cash”, I instantly knew that something was not right about the website, so I decided to sign up on their website.
After signing up on their website, I ended up on a page with lots of hypes and promises that will only warm you up and put you into the mode of buying.

Take Surveys For Cash Review - What is Take Surveys for Cash?

On the same page (at the bottom), you will find a form with a $39 price. According to them, they claimed that the fee is an expense to cover the processing fees for members account setup, the cost of their advertising and the time it will possibly take them in finding the best high-paying surveys for you. Blah, blah, blah…

Take Surveys For Cash Review – What is Take Surveys For Cash - Join

Check out an alternative Survey website that actually pays you for completing Surveys without you having to pay them to join. – Joining is completely FREE… Join Here!

Before I proceed, let me make this clear; taking surveys online cannot make you any fortune or a huge amount of money. Yes, you can make some extra cash from taking surveys, but all you can make is just pocket money.

So, don’t raise your hopes where this is no hope! Generally, survey websites are only useful if you just want to make extra cash online. There is no doubt that you can easily make extra $10-$150 per month taking surveys (depending on other factors though).

If earning some extra cash only is your priority, then you can go with the option of taking surveys. But definitely not “Take Surveys for Cash” website.
Alternatively, if you have a bigger vision and you want to start earning passive income online and make far more than peanuts, then I’ll suggest you start by learning how to turn your passion into an online business. Here is where I started my online journey

Take Surveys for Cash review – 3 reasons why I believe the website is a Scam and waste of time.

  1. Talking from my personal experience; I’m sure it’s free to sign-up with any legit survey websites. But in the case of “Take Surveys for Cash”, they are demanding you pay before you can sign-up to take surveys on their website. Scam Alert!!!
  2. “Take Surveys for Cash” is not been honest with their customers, because they don’t disclose a lot of facts. All their concerned about is the money they want to make from you and off you.
    Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about them making money from the services they offer, but why pretend to help while their intentions are just to rip-off your customers!
  3. Also, I recently came across a complaint online that says, Take Surveys for Cash website do sells the personal information you provide them to their third-party partners. Basically, this is the information you provided to them when you were signing up for their service on their website. Although, I can’t fully verify this claim in all cases. But the fact that they don’t tell you they will be sharing your information with third parties is a bad move from them!

2 alternatives to Take Surveys for Cash website

Need a better alternatives to Take Surveys for Cash? If your answer is yes; then check out these 2 alternative websites with better survey opportunities:
Survey Junkie
As previously mentioned; if taking surveys is the path you want to take; then be rest assured that these two websites will provide you with far more better opportunities than whatever “Take Surveys for Cash” has to offer you. You can read this Survey Junkie review for more insight about their platform.

Take Surveys for Cash review – Bottom Line

The main purpose of this Take Surveys for Cash review is not to discredit the website/company, but rather to clarify the misleading facts that might make you fall prey to them. In the real sense; I’m sure the reason you were considering their platform was to make money online and not to lose money. So why paying? I will understand if “Take Surveys for Cash” is claiming to teach you how to take a survey, how survey works or where to get high paying surveys. Being more transparent will be far better off…

I’m not saying the website is a fraud because they will surely engage with you through email after you’ve made the first payment. In some cases, they might offer you some surveys from their third-party partners (but that does not mean you will make money using them though).

One more truth about “Take Surveys for Cash” that I did not mention in this review is the fact that they are getting paid from their third-party partners for every survey they send to you, either you get paid or not.

Would I Recommend Take Surveys for Cash?

My simple and honest answer is a NO!

I do not recommend them because it’s a waste of time and a rip-off. There are more legit websites out there where you can actually make real money taking surveys. And if you want to make a life-changing passive income, then try this learning resource! I Highly Recommend you check it out.Please feel free to share your comments below, or ask your questions.

Thanks for reading this “Take Surveys for Cash review”. Until next time, I wish you all the best.

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